
The Confidence Trick

March 11, 2021
Steven McCormack
1 min

Just a short one today. When I'm low in confidence, it plays out in all sorts of ways. I am much quieter. I tend to disengage whilst my mind runs wild. Anxiety builds and my ears start buzzing. If you are not careful, it can become a doom loop where not much gets achieved, and the world passes you by. And that ain't much good. So how do I manage these situations? Well, after a few repeat bouts of zapped confidence, I can offer some insight. It's simple really; assess, take stock and just take action. Recognise that your feelings are separate from you. Detach from them and you will see the wider context that generates your emotion. Once you take this out of the equation, the clarity of thought you reach is incredible. The cloud lifts and then you can consider What To Do.

And remember this; you have no guarantee what action you take will be right or wrong. Yet the very thought of Doing Something lifts your spirits. It pulls you off the floor and dusts you down. Use that energy to navigate your situation. Take some joy in whatever the outcome may be; after all you helped create it.

Then rinse and repeat. Your ability to take stock and take action will get better whenever low confidence appears on your radar.

I still go through these peaks and troughs. And they hurt. Yet I feel more equipped than ever to use them as a learning opportunity in the game of life.

Signing out, Steven.


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